RazzMatazz is a muscadine hybrid grape that blooms and fruits all summer

GurneysSeed: RazzMatazz is a muscadine hybrid, meaning that it demonstrates the hardiness of a muscadine variety but with a sweeter taste, more characteristic of a table grape. RazzMatazz will set blooms and fruit all summer, and it will fruit all along the vine.

World's First Continual Fruiting Grape: After more than 20 years of research and testing, we're proud to bring you this break-through in the world of grapes! Combining the sweet flavor and tender-crisp texture of table grapes with the disease resistance and native hardiness of muscadines, RazzMatazz is the first seedless grape to provide gardeners with true fruiting success without spraying. The first ever continuous fruiting grape, RazzMatazz will set blooms and fruit all summer, so you get to enjoy the rich sweet flavor of these gorgeous deep burgundy grapes midsummer to first frost. Self pollinating. Zones 7-9. PPAF. - See more at: http://www.gurneys.com/product/razzmatazz-wow-fruit-now-potted-grape/grape-vines

Related reading:

How To Grow Muscadine Grapes - The Survival Gardener

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